19. 3. 2020

TES VSETÍN s.r.o. announcement regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation

Dear Business Partners,

TES VSETÍN s.r.o. would like to inform and reassure all our customers that we closely monitore the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak and we are taking necessary measures to protect health of our employees and customers which has the highest priority. We carefully follow the advices of WHO.

We as a company, have taken out a number of precautionary measures to protect our employees. Including, but not limited to:

  • Informed all staff of the necessary hygiene measures as advised by the World Health Organisation
  • Provided hand sanitiser at offices and assembly
  • External visits are prohibited, we only accept material income and products outcome
  • Isolated special place for unloading and loading of the material/products for drivers coming from risk areas
  • Control of body temperature of all external people. In case of high temperature, they are not allowed to enter the company
  • Provided protective masks to employees at the entrance and expedition and now providing to all employees (as there is no availability on the marekt, we decided to produce them by ourselve)
  • Where possible people work from home
  • Reduction of the meetings to minimum
  • Generally decrease personal contact to minimum
  • Business trips of our employees are not allowed, only in special cases and after approval of TES management
  • If someone is coming back from a risk area, automatically has to stay in home quarantine

Also in this unpleasant situation we do our best to keep the production running and currently we can announce that there are not any barriers which would limit the production or even stop it. We are currently able to ensure all deliveries.

Material deliveries continue and manufacturing meets expected order times. Some parts have been harder to source but we currently do not see any limitations of our deliveries. What may cause an issue for some period of time is the intensivated border controls in international transport logistics. As a result, we may in some cases need to increase some lead times but will endeavour to keep you informed.

No Suspected Cases

To date, we have had no suspected cases in our company, if we were to do so we would follow the advices of Ministry of Health of Czech republic.

In a situation like we all face it now and with a high degree of uncertainty it is our strong intention to be a responsible and reliable supplier towards all our business partners. Mutual trust in our business partnership and reliability on both sides is of highest importance now!

We will do our best to overcome this difficult situation and truly believe that by common intensive communication we will be able to handle it well

Please inform us whether there are any restrictions in deliveries to you which may affect our current daily business relationship. As we are doing all necessary steps to keep our production running we need you to inform us immediately in case you are not able to meet our mutual agreements.

As this is a fast-changing situation, we are continuing to update our staff and customers with any change.

We are at your disposal in case you have any further questions.

With best regards,

TES Management