Jiráskova 691, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic
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TES is a leading European industrial designer and manufacturer of tailor-made power generators, motors, drives, and other electrical machines and their system components with a track record of almost 100 years. The Company’s product range consists of three fully vertically integrated business lines: Machines & Solutions, System Components and Technical Service. TES is the global partner of choice for a large and highly attractive group of leading blue-chip customers consisting of both, customers with long-standing relationships. Products are manufactured at the Company’s own manufacturing site located in the center of Europe in an attractive area which is characterized by leading cost metrics and well-known for its engineering and manufacturing know-how. TES was founded in 1919 and is based in the Czech Republic with a representative office in Germany.
TES is included in the portfolio of the global investor Advent International.