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Our two technicians, Jan Vajda and Jiří Juřica, spent the end of last year in a somewhat exotic manner, undertaking a service mission for a generator in the distant El Salvador! The client was the global manufacturer of hydroelectric power plants, ČKD Blansko (https://www.linkedin.com/company/ckd-blansko/), and the final customer was CECSA. The purpose of the service visit was the replacement of bearings along with components such as sensors and grounding brushes.
“We stayed in Sonsonate, which is a 30-minute drive from the power plant. It is located in a ‘canyon,’ and every day we descended to it by an elevator at 84 meters, observing the conduit that ran alongside it. The weather was typical for Central America, with humidity and high temperatures,” commented Jan Vajda.
In addition to the interesting work, we also managed to visit a volcano , which captivated us with its enormity and beauty.