Jiráskova 691, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic
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Almost 1,500 people arrived at the plant on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the centenary of the company, founded in 1919 by the “Wallachian Edison”, Josef Sousedík.
Employees, their family members and important people from all over the region were attracted by the long-awaited concerts of TURBO and MIRAI, as well as a rich programme that included good food and fun attractions for children. As a souvenir, participants could take home a thematic family photo or buy a limited edition of the Sousedíkův TESák lager, brewed especially for this occasion by the Valášek brewery. The afternoon was hosted by the experienced Lukáš Kobza, who helped set the event’s special atmosphere.
One of the main items on the programme was the awards ceremony for long-time employees, who received financial gifts, souvenirs, as well as bottles of Wallachian plum brandy. The rewards were handed out by the company’s management, together, with Tomáš Sousedík (Josef Sousedík’s son), Governor Jiří Čunek and the Mayor of Vsetín, Jiří Růžička.
Throughout the day, people could also buy raffle tickets; the proceeds from the sale of the tickets, amounting to CZK 33,381, will be donated to the NADĚJE Association in Vsetín. To commemorate the anniversary, TES VSETÍN s.r.o. also plans to donate practical gifts to the Asylum Home for Mothers with Children, the Children’s Home in Liptál, Integra Primary School, Auxilium and others.
TES VSETÍN s.r.o. wishes to thank all its employees, their families and business partners for many years of collaboration and wishes everyone a great start to another 100 years of tradition and honest work!